With curling up on the sofa being high on the agenda this week, we thought we’d round up the movies on our hitless to download. From the family friendly to old favourites, indulgent rom coms to new must sees, here’s what’s on our list when it comes to indulging in some stress free movie watching this holidays.

1. 101 Dalmations – Festive, fun and really rather sweet, it’s our pick for family film of the season. With Glenn Close, plenty of cute puppies and Hugh Laurie thrown in the mix there really is something in this Disney film for everyone.

2. Love Actually – When it comes to feel good holiday movies, Richard Curtis’s rom com works a treat. Warm, witty and festive.

3. It’s a Wonderful Life – An American Classic that never fails to disappoint

4. The Holiday – Jude Law, Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet and Jack Black make this rather guilty pleasure of a Christmas movie worth watching.

5. Bridget Jones’s Diary – Hilarious and heart warming, with a token snow scene that makes this just about Christmassy enough, Bridget Jones makes everyone feel better.