Long a Kotur favorite, when it comes to nailing what we need in our closets, J Crew is simply the gift that keeps on giving. Their latest presentation for Fall 2013, shown last week in the Lincoln Centre was absolutely no different.

In a collection that played to the brands strengths (luxurious fabrics, mannish tailoring, cool prints and a brilliant take on evening dressing that even the most manic of us would have time to pull of at some point between work and dinner,) there was plenty to put on our shopping lists. First up on ours are their party trousers (officially our favorite nightime look of choice – pair with a pointy pump, and you’re done,) their printed sweaters and their coats (just the right mix of quirky and classic). Click through our gallery above to see our favorite looks from the collection, plus check out our previous interview with the brilliant Jenna Lyons here.

All pictures from www.style.com